Regenerate. Reshape. Reimagine.

McCain launches 2023 Global Sustainability Summary Report

Our 2023 Global Sustainability Summary Report is here!  We are pleased to share the strides we have made in smart and sustainable agriculture, resource-efficient operations, community empowerment and good food.

Smart and Sustainable Agriculture

To start, we have achieved a significant milestone – 51% of our potato acreage has been integrated into the Regenerative Agriculture Framework, and 28% of our global acreage is currently at the 'Engaged' level. We are making substantial progress towards our target of implementing regenerative agricultural practices across 100% of our acreage by 2030.

Added to this, our Farm of the Future (FOtF) Africa, launched in 2022, has successfully concluded its inaugural season, and its potato produce is poised to contribute to the creation of a variety of delicious McCain products. This farm is helping us realise our sustainability ambitions by enhancing productivity, while prioritising soil health, water efficiency, biodiversity and the reduction of agro-chemical impacts.

Resource-Efficient Operations

21.2% of total electrical energy consumption across McCain facilities was from renewable sources, and absolute carbon emissions (Scope 1 and 2) were reduced by 9.8%. Locally, renewable energy generation across our operations reached 14.3% last year, and we are committed to increasing this percentage as we move ahead into 2024.

Thriving Communities

McCain employees provided more than 17,000 volunteer hours through the McCain Chips In initiative, reached 2,716 new beneficiaries with development programmes and partnerships and donated the equivalent of 11.9 million meals. From a McCain South Africa perspective, we have donated 1 337 484 meals and contributed 98 hours of employee volunteering time to a range of community causes.

Good Food

We introduced new global policies for clean ingredients and nutrition while upholding a 100% Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certification across all facilities. Additionally, our Tier 1 ingredient supplier facilities achieved an impressive 96% GFSI certification rate.In South Africa, we are also on track to remove artificial ingredients in selected products across the country.

In addition to highlighting advancements in our commitments, the report details a typical year in the regenerative agriculture cycle, bringing the work currently being done at our respective Farms of the Future to life. The outcomes from the trials and testing at these locations support farmers worldwide in becoming more resilient and competitive for the long term.

As we look forward to 2024 and beyond, we know we will continue to face many uncertainties and challenges. But one thing is certain: we are more committed than ever to delivering the tangible change and progress that our world so urgently needs.